28 extra days to regularize your residence in the United Kingdom

28 extra days to regularize your residence in the United Kingdom
1 Jul 2021

Four more weeks from June 30 is what the British government has granted to citizens of the European Union who have not yet declared their residence.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

June 30 was the date set by the British government for the regularization of their residency status for all EU citizens who arrived in British territory before January 1, 2021. However, Boris Johnson's executive decided to 'grant an extraordinary period of 28 days for those who have so far been unable to do so.

The so-called EU Settlement Scheme (EU Citizens Residence Plan), a post-consumer Brexit regularization protocol for citizens of the community who were surprised by the breakup while residing in the UK, was designed with a 6 month itinerary expiring at the end of that month.

According to data from the UK Home Office, 5.6 million people have so far applied for a residence permit via the online platform. Most of them have already received an affirmative response, around 5.2 million. This leaves a balance of 400,000 candidates awaiting confirmation, which should receive a response in the coming weeks.

For all those who have not yet followed the program to regularize their situation, this additional period of 4 weeks has been provided. The exact number of residents who have yet to report living in the UK is unknown. In any case, and according to some European consulates, the figures could be much higher than those envisaged by the British Home Office.

People who arrived on British territory before January 1, 2021 and who plan to continue to reside there and who can justify their stay either for work, studies, projects or family, must certify their residence and provide supporting documents justifying their status and activity in Great Britain. Those who arrived in 2021 cannot take this step.

The Downing Street executive is preparing to send notices to all those who have not been regularized, who will have four weeks to exercise their rights as set out in the Citizens' Residence Plan EU. The statements of Kevin Foster, Secretary of State for Immigration, aim to reassure those who have not yet been able to complete the process, and it is that "people who have not requested the stay before June 30 will not immediately be deprived of their social rights "

In his intervention before the European Affairs Committee of the House of Lords, he also stressed that "a second process will then be opened, with a letter and a deadline of 28 days, to ask them to regularize their situation. that from the conclusion of these four weeks that we will study each case individually "

Thus, any person who can prove by "reasonable grounds" that he was already resident in the United Kingdom before December 31, 2020, will be able to benefit from the regularization plan. For those who cannot do so, they may be in the process of deportation. It is estimated that nearly 100,000 people classified as vulnerable could constitute a major problem: homeless citizens, having mental health problems or having difficulties in accessing the digital regularization system.

According to Foster, “The digital system offers tremendous benefits. First of all, the information is much easier to share. And secondly, there is the possibility of obtaining a confirmation code via our telephone services ”. In any case, it is clear that the countdown is coming to an end.


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