After Sale Service
GestaliHome offers support after the purchase
and delivery of your property!
That's it, you're under the Spanish sun, at the beach, mojito in hand, at home ... and no doubt do you think that our work is already finished. But no, that's not the case! We all know, word of mouth is the best marketing technique in the world and GestaliHome we want to continue to satisfy each of our customers! That's why we created our after-sales service
- Suivi des travaux de construction.
- Gestion de toutes démarches administratives et juridiques.
- Ouverture des compteurs.
- Assurances.
- Aménagement de votre bien.
- Aide à la location.
- Service de Clés.
- Service de Nettoyage.
- Services de jardinage.
- Service de traduction.
- Démarches auprès des administrations pour l´installation de votre famille et celle de vos affaires en Espagne